Remote area community development, training, mentoring, environmental management, feral animal control and specialist training in natural disaster response. Indigenous community engagement.
Remote Area and Cultural Emersion Training
Remote Area Work & Cultural Immersion Training
The tyranny of distance and isolation, combined with immersion in a culture far removed from what is considered the western norm can quickly render ineffective someone who was considered a capable employee.
The commercial, government and non-profit sectors all have personnel who are required to visit or work in these remote and isolated environments. Training to operate in these remote areas is essential for these personnel, to ensure work safety, business continuity and to reduce costs.

Remote Area Work

The Remote Area Skills and Cultural Awareness training
The package gives participants first hand experience living and operating in a remote, isolated and culturally different environment from that which they are used to. The package is broken into two separate phases, being an instructional phase followed by a practical confirmatory exercise in a realistic environment. During the first phase, participants are given individual instruction in the following:
Develop and maintain operating and emergency plans for working remotely.
Describe environmental effects and impacts applicable to the area of operation.
Implement workplace procedures and practical risk assessments for notifying management of location, activities and travel in remote areas.
Principles of operating 4x4 vehicles over difficult terrain, including basic recovery techniques.
Indigenous cultural awareness and protocols.
Basic navigation, including how to source and interpret maps of the operating area.
Remote area communications.
Use of bush craft skills to modify the living environment and reduce risk of mishap in remote areas.
Personal Health and Remote
First Aid in a tropical environment.

The first phase concludes with an assessment of the individual’s comprehension of topics covered. The second phase is a ‘cultural immersion’, where participants are taken into a selected remote Indigenous community where they will live and operate for a number of days. Participants will be required to plan and undertake simple tasks to achieve directed outcomes, covering the full spectrum of topics covered during the first phase of instruction. Participants will receive guidance from experienced Indigenous elders and mentors, which will shape the way they operate within the context of a remote and isolated Indigenous community our country’s.
There are very few training packages that attempt to prepare employees for living and working in remote and isolated Indigenous communities. Of those, which do exist, they focus largely on the delivery of theory and fail to confirm skills, knowledge and attitudes developed during theory sessions in a simulated working environment.
Due to Shaun Seymour’s clear understanding of the realities, constraints and opportunities presented when working in a remote Indigenous community, those key aspects which protect firstly the individual employee, and secondly the employer (both your reputation and delivery of service) are tested and confirmed in as realistic a scenario as possible. This course is aligned so that the training can relate to anywhere in the world, as the same principles apply in cultural engagement that can enhance any Government training for future deployments into other countries, as well as NGO’s.
Specialist in delivering small team cultural immersion for overseas remote work